Hi! I'm Jimmy
a Front End Developer
I'm a javaScript aficionado proficient in front-end languages and libraries like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, React and Next.js.
React-Redux Cart
This Project is a simple and fully function shopping cart, I choose to use Redux for managing the cart functionalities, the main functions like add to cart or remove an item are centralise into the global state and are accessible where needed.
- React
- Tailwind CSS
- Redux
Bank Landing Page
This Project is a company landing page made with React, for the css i choose to go with Styled-Components. I built this project While building it you're going to learn many advanced React & JavaScript topics, as well as how to use Stripe for card transactions. On top of that, at the end of the video, you will have this unique and complex webshop app that you will be able to add to your portfolio. And trust me, e-commerce applications are impressive.
- React
- JavaScript
- Styled-components
Search Recipes with this web app was built with Vanilla JavaScript
- JavaScript
This is a responsive landing page made with HTML ans Sass using the mobile first design principles
- JavaScript
About me
Hello there! I'm glad you are taking time to hear my coding story
I would love to tell you that I have been coding since I was 7, but my journey started in the summer of 2019, when I decided to thoroughly learn how to build cool stuff for the web.
So far, I really enjoy the fact that with the skills that acquired I can build anything from the ground up, this is a really satisfying feeling. Right now, I am ready to work for a company as front-end developer.
When I'm not coding, I'm probably running, working out, going out with my friends or simply relaxing at home.